Indigenous Women’s Biodiversity Network [IWBN] Statement
For COP 9, Bonn Germany
May 28, 2008
Indigenous women are food producers, providers and guardians of the gene pools of food crops for future generations. In our daily interaction with nature, we have developed a profound understanding of different ecosystems. Keeping the balance has been our way of life. Therefore, Empowering Indigenous women is an important prerequisite for environmental and poverty eradication.
However, as indigenous women, we are continually being marginalized at local, national, regional and international levels. Parties at this COP meeting have contributed to this marginalization by failing to support the Gender Plan of Action. We see the formalization of this document as instrumental to the full and effective participation of women, especially indigenous women, to all aspects and work of the CBD.
We want to remind parties that they have established in the preambular to the CBD, the “vital role that women play in the conservation and sustainable use of biological diversity and affirming the need for full participation of women at all levels of policy making and implementation for biological diversity conservation”.
Therefore, Indigenous women call on parties to take note and to act on the following items:
That Climate Change is a serious threat for indigenous women’s food security and food sovereignty. We want parties to say no to false solutions to climate change such as REDD and CDM.
· Indigenous women do not want the establishment of any new national protected areas on indigenous lands and territories until our lands, territories and resources are fully recognized and respected. We call on parties to stop the encroachment of protected areas into our territories.
· Indigenous women experience marginalization in terms of heavy workload in harsh and impoverished situation. We want parties to put the Gender Plan of Action as a priority and allocate resources for its implementation and to ensure the full and effective participation and capacity building of indigenous women.
· We reiterate that Traditional Knowledge is fundamental to indigenous women and to the success of the Convention. We strongly support the renewed focus on the completion of concrete items such as the elements of sui generis systems, so that TK is protected and transmitted to our children.
· With the entry of development projects such as: mining; mega dams; logging and gas pipelines, they result in conflicts, such as prostitution; militarization; HIV Aids; rape; domestic violence; forced migration and drug addiction that directly affect women and biodiversity. We therefore, demand parties that for any development projects undertaken on our territories, free and prior informed consent must be obtained.
Finally, indigenous women believe in biodiversity use, protection and conservation for the people by the people. Thus, it is crucial that the Gender Plan of Action is adopted by parties and treated as a priority and resources are allocated for its implementation.