AGENDA ITEM 3.7 Progress in the implementation of the Strategic Plan and progress towards the 2010 target and relevant Millennium Development Goals
Madame Chairperson,
The IIFB believes that a review of implementation of Goal 4 of the Strategic Plan is very important to fully understand the progress of implementation of the CBD Strategic Plan.
In this regard, the IIFB Working Group on Indicators has proposed the adoption of three indicators assessing progress in the implementation of Goal 4, Target 3,
Full and effective participation of indigenous and local communities in CBD processes at all levels
Þ Numbers of indigenous and local community representatives participating in CBD official meetings disaggregated by region, country , gender
Þ Number of partnerships with and initiatives of indigenous and local communities in implementation of programs of the CBD (including CEPA & NBSAPS) at national regional and international levels (national reports done in a participatory way)
Þ Finances spent to support effective participation of indigenous and local communities in the implementation of the CBD at all levels.
In addition, a few practical indicators were also proposed for assessing progress in the 2010 Biodiversity target on protection of traditional knowledge, innovations and practices.
These proposed indicators are among the results of the International Expert Seminar on Indicators Relevant for Indigenous Peoples, the Convention on Biological Diversity and the Millennium Development Goals, held in Banaue, Philippines in March 2007.
We would urge Parties to take note of these indicators, and to consider them in a review of implementation of Goal 4, Target 3, and also in the submission of the 4th national reports.
This global indicators process increased the capacity of indigenous participants to fully understand the CBD Strategic Plan and 2010 Biodiversity Target, and are more prepared with work closely with Parties for their fuller implementation, and in their monitoring through GBO3.
Thank you, Madame Chairperson.
Under Recommendation 2/1 (UNEP/CBD/COP/9/4)
National Biodiversity strategies and Actions Plans
Support processes
(l) Engage indigenous and local communities, and all relevant sectors and stakeholders including representatives of society and economy that have a significant impact on, benefit from or use biodiversity and its related ecosystem services. Activities might include:
(i) Preparing, updating, implementing, ADD reviewing and monitoring national biodiversity strategies and action plans with the participation of a abroad set of representatives from all major groups to build partnership and commitment;
(m) Respect, preserve, maintain and ADD develop the traditional knowledge, innovations and practices of indigenous and local communities consistent with Article 8(j), ADD and other relevant international instruments, particularly the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples;
AGENDA ITEM 3.7 Progress in the implementation of the Strategic Plan and progress towards the 2010 target and relevant Millennium Development Goals
Madame Chairperson,
The IIFB believes that a review of implementation of Goal 4 of the Strategic Plan is very important to fully understand the progress of implementation of the CBD Strategic Plan.
In this regard, the IIFB Working Group on Indicators has proposed the adoption of three indicators assessing progress in the implementation of Goal 4, Target 3,
Full and effective participation of indigenous and local communities in CBD processes at all levels
Þ Numbers of indigenous and local community representatives participating in CBD official meetings disaggregated by region, country , gender
Þ Number of partnerships with and initiatives of indigenous and local communities in implementation of programs of the CBD (including CEPA & NBSAPS) at national regional and international levels (national reports done in a participatory way)
Þ Finances spent to support effective participation of indigenous and local communities in the implementation of the CBD at all levels.
In addition, a few practical indicators were also proposed for assessing progress in the 2010 Biodiversity target on protection of traditional knowledge, innovations and practices.
These proposed indicators are among the results of the International Expert Seminar on Indicators Relevant for Indigenous Peoples, the Convention on Biological Diversity and the Millennium Development Goals, held in Banaue, Philippines in March 2007.
We would urge Parties to take note of these indicators, and to consider them in a review of implementation of Goal 4, Target 3, and also in the submission of the 4th national reports.
This global indicators process increased the capacity of indigenous participants to fully understand the CBD Strategic Plan and 2010 Biodiversity Target, and are more prepared with work closely with Parties for their fuller implementation, and in their monitoring through GBO3.
Thank you, Madame Chairperson.
Under Recommendation 2/1 (UNEP/CBD/COP/9/4)
National Biodiversity strategies and Actions Plans
Support processes
(l) Engage indigenous and local communities, and all relevant sectors and stakeholders including representatives of society and economy that have a significant impact on, benefit from or use biodiversity and its related ecosystem services. Activities might include:
(i) Preparing, updating, implementing, ADD reviewing and monitoring national biodiversity strategies and action plans with the participation of a abroad set of representatives from all major groups to build partnership and commitment;
(m) Respect, preserve, maintain and ADD develop the traditional knowledge, innovations and practices of indigenous and local communities consistent with Article 8(j), ADD and other relevant international instruments, particularly the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples;